“Believe in your own happiness”

Imagine that as a young mother you are so weighed down by alcohol, that you are not even allowed to see your own daughter. Unfortunately, it happened to the author of this week’s experience story, but luckily she managed to pick herself up just in time and things are going in the right direction again. And completely alcohol-free of course! Well done:

What do you do in daily life?
I am 25 years old, mother of a beautiful girl. In daily life I am a housewife and I run an online business. My daughter is only with me once every 2 weeks as a result of my usage. Why I stopped is because I haven’t been able to see my daughter for a year, but now that I’m rid of the worst mess, I’m finally allowed to see het again! But it still pisses me off that alcohol keeps haunting my head. But I started working out again and that online business keeps me busy, and with the help of my coach I stay alert and close to myself.

What did you mainly drink and how much/often?
I drank about 7 bottles of wine a day 7 years ago! I started at noon and ended after midnight. I’ve been to 4 clinics in the meantime (not just for alcohol), but nothing seems to help me.

How long have you stopped drinking alcohol?
I have now stopped for a month. I have only just stopped myself and am doing this with the help of a psychic coach, by going deeper into myself, turning everything around and creating that self-love again.

Was this your first attempt?
And this is not my first attempt, it is now my seventh attempt.

What stopped you from giving up alcohol sooner?
The main thing that stopped me from quitting was that I thought life would no longer be fun without alcohol. The parties, life, anything…

What made you eventually flip the switch by stopping anyway?
My switch was the loss of my dear daughter, whom I can now finally be with again once every 2 weeks.

What have you experienced as the greatest benefits so far?
My greatest benefits are that I no longer have any hangovers and fights, no more hospitals, I have my daughter back with me, and I have a healthy relationship with my boyfriend and friends. Every morning I take the time to shower and get dressed and feed myself and do some nice morning yoga. I put myself in first place, and then the rest of the world, even if I have to get out of bed earlier? So be it!

And what do you miss most?
I do miss the moments when you no longer know any boundaries and you can forget everything for a while.

And then, what do you miss the least?
Those hangovers, yuk! I’m so glad I don’t have them anymore.

What do you do when you have a hard time and still want to drink again?
I then write or do yoga or meditate, or go for a walk with the dog.

What do you drink as an alternative if you no longer drink alcohol?
I drink good coffee, tea, juice or Red Bull.

How do you plan to deal with alcohol in the future?
To deal with? As an addict I will never be able to deal with it. 1 is too many and 1000 too few! It’s a matter of life and death for me.

Do you have any tips or advice for people who also quit alcohol?
One tip to stop is to ask yourself what drinking has given you all this time. Think about the damage it has done, and start believing in yourself first. Take care of your body and your mind, because you only have 1 of these! We don’t need all those toxics to be happy. Have chocolate, make love, go for a walk, find people who make you happy. Love yourself. Give yourself a clean head and body.

I enjoy the birds again, feeling the grass at my feet, the air of spring and the fires in the winter through the chimneys. The wonderful movie nights with tapas and a delicious hot cup of tea or chocolate or a delicious juice! And the day after? Fresh and fruity, new day new opportunities!

Finally: what do you want to say to anyone who is still in doubt whether they should stop drinking or not?
When in doubt don’t do it, they say, and I mean don’t drink of course! You don’t need it. You need yourself with your common sense. Enjoy and see what it has brought you! Did all that drinking really make you happier? I can’t imagine it did!

You can do this. One day at the time! Step by step and believe in your own happiness!


And I couldn’t agree more: you can do this! Just a fast forward to 3 months later (it took a long time before I could work this story): the writer is still alcohol-free and already 7 weeks pregnant with her next child. On behalf of everyone who reads this, I wish you and you a lot of happiness, strength, love and wisdom for the future. Because in your own words: you can do this! 🙂

Thank you so much for your wonderful contribution to Alcoholfreedom! And if someone else, after reading this story, would like to write down his or her experiences with quitting alcohol: please let me know and I’ll be glad to share your story here. If you fill in your e-mail on this page, I will contact you as soon as possible.

Have a nice day everyone!

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